Walking in the Apennines, from the Sibillini to the Alpe della Luna passing through San Vicino, Catria and Nerone means crossing paths, meadows, peaks that do not belong to individuals but to collective properties. In Northern Italy, they call them “rules”, in Emilia “participation” and in the Marches “agrarian communities”. For the Medit Silva Foundation, in our region there are over 500 who manage, according to a calculation by Coldiretti, up to 70 thousand hectares of land. That is, more than 10% of the total agro-forestry area of the Marche region. They have very ancient origins, some even date back to the early Middle Ages, and are made up of inhabitants of a specific area or descendants of families.

This commonality has restored the splendid and panoramic “Sentiero dell’Aquila”, a 7 km long ring route illustrated by 10 panels, which since the 10th century connected the countryside of San Vittore delle Chiuse and Castel Petroso, the current Pietrosara when the road that crosses the Frasassi Gorge – it was built in 1912 – did not yet exist. And again the “Path of the Pope” that leads from the Castle of Genga to the uncontaminated and mysterious Valle Scappuccia.
written by Veronique Angeletti
May 14, 2022 © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Corriere Adriatico